


RAJENDRA SANGHAVI, Sr. Consulting Clinician Expert - MedicoMarketing & TechnoLegal (Healthcare) Chairman - Nutraceutical Committee, IDMA

  • Associated with Pharma industry for 40 years - assisted over 80 such companies in Medico-Marketing, Techno-Legal,Training – including DrProduct Information dissemination, Regulatory & OTC.
  • Closely involved in Nutraceutical segment since over 30 years & greatlyresponsible for the wide acceptance of such Health Supplements in India.
  • Spoken at near 300 Doctor CMEs in most metros & cities of India, for medicalprofessionals of almost every specialty and super-specialty. Addressed evenoverseas specialist doctors in Bangladesh, Philippines, Sri Lanka & UAE(Dubai, Abu Dhabi).
  • Delivered talks on Nutraceuticals & Pharmaceutical products at Conferences ofvarious Association (of Specialists) / Medical bodies, and at Webinars as well
  • Published twelve articles on various topics & edited one pharma managementbook.
  • Chairman of the Medical Committee of Indian Drugs Manufacturing Association(IDMA) for 15 years.
    Appointed for 2021 as Chairman of the IDMA’s Nutraceutical Committee for the10th successive year.
  • Panelist on Editorial Board – National Formulary of India (NFI) & Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Research (JOMR).
  • Represented the Healthcare industry, successfully on each of 6 occasions, invarious High Courts in Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi including the Supreme Court tofight against unjust Govt policies pertaining to Fixed Dose Combinations(FDCs) and Nutraceutical products.