

IBM (Israel)

GABI ZODIK, Director, Blockchain and IoT Platforms, IBM (Israel)

Gabi Zodik is the Director of Blockchain and IoT Platforms for IBM Research. He works on strategy to transform the fascinating ideas of IBM Research scientists around the world into new blockchain and IoT technology that brings value to clients around the world. Gabi's vision is to harness blockchain technology for existing processes and transactions so they execute in seconds instead of days or weeks, increase privacy so individuals own and manage their digital identities, and build applications that have more transparency for all the stakeholders involved. He also manages the Blockchain and IoT Technologies department at IBM Research - Haifa. In this role, he oversees the lab's R&D efforts in blockchain, IoT, 5G/Edge, Drone solutions. Gabi has an MSc and BSc in electrical engineering from the Technion, and an MBA from the University of Haifa. He is a frequent speaker on the challenges and opportunities in blockchain and the future of AI and IoT systems.