ALESSANDRO VAGHEGGINI, Associate Principal Biostatistician, BARDS-CSS, MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme
Alessandro got his PhD in Statistics (2013) from University of Bologna, Italy and subsequently, he held a research fellow position in the same department for five years; his main research interests focused on environmental data and adaptive designs for clinical trials.
Since 2017, Alessandro worked as a Biostatistician Manager at the Biostatistics and Clinical Trials Unit of the IRST IRCCS oncology research hospital in Meldola (FC), Italy. There, his main tasks were the statistical design of clinical trials and analysis of data coming from different studies (clinical, biological, physical and psychological). At the same time, he carried on his methodological research on adaptive designs .
In 2020, Alessandro joined the Clinical Safety Statistics group at MSD; since then, he contributed to the success of several projects while pursuing methodological developments in the drug safety field coupled with adaptive designs and master protocols.