•  With a first degree in Biochemistry and Pharmacology, and a Ph.D. focusing on drug metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Graeme has worked in the areas of Drug Safety and Medical services for over 30 years.
•  Working as a Head of Global Pharmacovigilance for a multi-national innovator Company and EU QP PV for several of the top ten Pharma Companies, large generic and smaller innovative Pharma, Graeme is the CEO and Owner of PharSafer® – a position held for the last 19 years – and he has taken many products from bench to clinical to post-marketing in many global markets; helping many small start-up Companies (Biotech, Advanced Therapy, Medical Device, Biologic, Generics, Herbal, OTC) in their planning and growth, due-diligence activities for product in-licensing and marketing, and development strategies with partner and distributor Companies.
•  Graeme has also been involved in many global audits (conducted) and inspections (taken part in) for clients and also database designs and development.