YURICEL TAMAYO ALVAREZ, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Roche
"Graduate of Chemical Degree in the Easternt University of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba and currently in an ongoing masterated program in the University of Nebrija, Spain; Yuricel Tamayo Alvarez, who prefers to be named just Yuri, is a passionate human being who has worked for more of 18 years in the cosmetic, nutraceutic and drugs industry; the last 11 years dedicated entirely to the pharmaceutical industry in diverse management position related to I+D, Manufacture, Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs and Regulatory Policy. Between 2013 to 2015, Yuri was the Technical Director of Reference Laboratory of the National Agency for Regulation, Control and Sanitary Surveillance of Ecuador, the competent drugs authority of Ecuador; this position allowed him to collaborate actively in the construction of local regulation.
[ The patient as focus as mainly beneficiary of his work is an premise for Yuri, always committed with any project to allow us bring major benefits to the patients, to the environmental care which is the ruth of him turned in pioneer in the understanding of the e-labeling and in generation of influence to adopted it in Ecuador."]